our surround sound approach to event photography

picture this (see what we did there?): arena doors open to thousands of enthusiastic attendees who rush to get to the front of the stage anticipating the evenings entertainment. backstage, a select group of v.i.p.'s rub elbows with celebrity hosts who are stationed at a step and repeat for photos. a green screen at the expo center superimposes a logo with the #eventtheme on a photo printed with key customers using the new product. a photographer holding a mic on a ladder instructs the sales force for their first ever group photo. one that will be referenced often for years to come. a roaming candid photographer captures the energy of the event from the performers, to the attendees, to vips. new hires line up for their first professional headshot which for better or worse will follow them for the duration of their career. executives smile for portraits in a studio lit to exude the ethos of renewal and forward direction for the company.

this is the power of photo dept. we are a true one stop shop for all of your photo needs. we refer to this as our 'surround sound' approach. although you may not need each of these services for every event, we are able to scale up easily to support large events. we are proponents of specialization and only shoot corporate events so that you can rest assured we do it well. 

why we hire photographers based on their eye

our photographers are creative image makers, not just technicians pushing a button. they bring with them experience and training to every image. the result is we get the images that you are used to, but go beyond that to challenge ourselves to get that, 'wow!' image at each event. working as a collective, we share our images and critique our best work. this is something that is in our dna as 'students of photography' and it forces to constantly evolve and improve. 

event photography is by nature journalistic. although there are a plethora of decisions made in pre production, (which camera, which lenses, where to stand, when to shoot, etc.) there are also many decisions made on the spot. in that specific moment, we evaluate our photographers.

every detail from lighting color and location, to the placement of speakers and audio mix, to the graphics showing on screen displays are all decisions made with attention to detail to maximize the experience for your audience. why should those details go unnoticed? why should the photos of those elements look the same from one event to another? the fact is, they shouldn't. this is precisely why we hire photographers with an eye for aesthetic.