do we get to choose our headshot?
yes and no. typically we shoot, choose the winner, retouch and deliver. we do this day in and day out, and constantly get feedback to refine our editing. if you prefer to preview images post shoot, we have to import the photos, select a few to send over, do a light edit, and export. from there, every subject has to reply with a first and second favorite. then we get to editing. this makes a lot more work for you and your team, and often results in the same image we chose. note that we don’t start editing until all favorites are selected.
when will my headshots be delivered?
typically a month out from the final shoot day. this gives us time to make sure we give them all the attention they need to make everyone look beautiful. we do not automate this process as that typically ends is fake skin tones, weird textures, and is not to our standard of image. often we will deliver way earlier, but this is a baseline expectation.
how are they delivered?
our usual delivery is a password protected beautiful website with one photo exported as both web resolution (800 pixels long at 96 dpi) and print resolution (2400 pixels long at 240 dpi). this is the easiest way for a large amount of people to preview and download their own images. you can also easily download the ‘archive’ of all images.
what backdrop should we use?
this is personal preference, but is largely driven by the end usage. a linkedin profile, about us page with c-suite, and email signatures should all have a different look and feel. as a baseline, we prefer a white background with simple, clean, modern lighting. this provides the most versatility and looks the best for the most amount of people. remember, headshots by design are meant to look uniform and similar. environmental portraits demonstrate a bit more vibe with people in their natural habitat. candid portraits add a layer of personality.